Personalized Merchandise
Check out the Personalized Merchandise Offered by Crafted Surprise
From their Australia location, Crafted Surprise is a professional company that offers a variety of services. In addition to 3D Printing or Design – Wood Routing, Engineering Services, and Graphic Design Services, we offer Personalized Merchandise options as follows
Stubby/Can Holder – send artwork, image, logo, or photo for personalization by email.
Personalized Mouse Mat (22 cm x 18cm x 3mm) – send artwork, image, logo, or photo for personalization by email.
Personalized 11 oz. Mug in 4 Assorted Colours – Including your logo or design.
Personalized Mug – send artwork, image, logo, or photo for personalization by email.
Personalisation of T Shirt - Customer provides the garment and we personalise for you.
Have a question? Crafted Surprise can be reached by email or online, or follow us on social media, either on Instagram or Facebook. Crafted Surprise’s store policies and rules are available online.